West Wallsend Public School

Strive to Achieve

Telephone02 4953 2930


Parents and citizens' association

West Wallsend Public School's parent and citizen's association (P&C) meets the first Monday of every month, at 9:15am.

All parents and carers are welcome.


Managed by our canteen supervisor, the canteen is open every day with the help of volunteers. Help from parents, carers, grandparents and other members of our school community is vital to ensure the effective operation of the canteen.

School banking

West Wallsend Public School's P&C are authorised delegates of the Commonwealth Bank Dollarmites banking program.

This is an easy, fun and interactive way to teach kids money management skills that they'll use for the rest of their lives. The P&C school banking coordinator, along with volunteer help, processes children's banking deposits each week allowing students to bank at school, giving them hands on experience in making deposits and seeing their money grow.

To make saving even more fun, children can participate in the Banking Rewards Program redeeming deposit tokens for a variety of exclusive items.

School banking every takes place Monday.